Preldras and The Dark Urge

Away from the lush comfort and sickening sterility of the ElfSong tavern, Preldras and The Dark Urge decide to go for a walk this evening. There’s a certain air about the night, perhaps only imagined from the immense weight lifted off of their shoulders, especially for The Dark Urge.

There’s an uneasy silence between the two as The Dark Urge is lost in his own muddled thoughts. Had he really done it? Is he finally free?


You did good today, you know that? I couldn’t be more proud.

The Dark Urge


The Dark Urge turns to Preldras for a second as he speaks before turning away just as quickly, his eyes focused on the cobblestone road ahead. The night is quiet, even the usual clanking on the Steel Watch is reduced to only a slight whir as they stand still looking over the streets.

The Dark Urge breathes in sharply but continues to say nothing more.


You were presented with overwhelming odds, yet you prevailed. You resisted your Urge. You defied your father. And now you find yourself free of both of them at last.

Remember when you came to me the morning we were leaving the Shadow Cured Lands?

The Dark Urge does not respond, only nodding his head slightly in acknowledgment.


You told me about what happened with Shadowheart the night before. The two of you are strong together. She and all of us have always believed in you.

The Dark Urge


The Dark Urge moves quickly in front of Preldras, knees bent and palms upwards, pleading.

The Dark Urge

I know. I know. I know.

Preldras stops walking but does not appear entirely startled by the shift in the conversation.

The Dark Urge

I’m free, I know I’m free, but I can’t stop thinking. I know what I did. I know what I’ve done. But I still don’t know who I am!

This foul Urge may be gone, but I feel emptier than ever. When I woke on that nautiloid I knew two things, my name and the Urge. Now I have neither.


You have us.

The Dark Urge

And that’s what scares me. You’re all the reason I found a purpose. I found friends, people worth saving.

The Dark Urge moves to sit down on the sidewalk, Preldras joins next time him.

The Dark Urge

When we defeat the Netherbrain, the monster I helped create, what comes next for me?

Preldras contemplates as The Dark Urge continues sounding almost on the verge of tears.

The Dark Urge

How many lives have I ruined? My sole purpose in life to bring ruin to this world. I can’t escape these memories, no matter how few may remain. They’re still a part of me, even if the Urge calls no more.


No. They’re not. You can’t blame yourself for your past, for what your father made you do. Your past will always be a part of your, but it doesn’t have to define you. You can write your own future and you’ve already started.